Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 284 - Why Now?

Anyone that knows me fairly well, or has read this blog knows that for most of its existence my postings have been sporadic at best.  Early this year my friend Heather challenged her friends and readers to knit 11 minutes a day and post about on her blog or their own.  Earlier in the year I was occasionally posting on my blog, if I had pictures, and pretty faithfully commenting on her's.  She has been podcasting for several years and asked me to co-host with her earlier this year.  We've been having a lot of fun with it and we have each learned new tricks, techniques or skills from the other.

About a month ago I got a text from her that she was ill.  Over subsequent conversations and emails it was decided that she needed some guest posts to keep the blog going as she had planned this year.  I agreed to help. Initially I didn't have access to anything but the comments so I posted there and ask people to join me over here.  Eventually she realized that she wouldn't be able to continue and gave me access to her blog.  Other than the initial post which was cross posted from here, I have been writing an original post there.  And different although usually related post here. 

She was right, after nine months of documenting my work in comments on her blog, or occasionally posts here, I did get in the habit of writing something every day.  With the new commitment to guest post there and still write a post here, over the last month it has become a habit that has stuck. 

She's seriously ill.  She's fighting hard, in good spirits and occasionally posting to Facebook and her own blog when she's able.  I'm asking anyone who reads this to send good thoughts, mojo and prayers her way.

And of course comments on either blog are always welcome. 

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