Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter wonders

It's been a while since we actually had enough snow to be able to cross country ski. Don't get me wrong, it snows in Central Ohio, but usually not enough at one time nor does it last very long. So when we had several inches arrive around the 8th and 9th, I looked at it as Mother Nature's birthday present and tried to make the most of it. I think I got in at least eight hours of skiing over 3 consecutive days.

This is Big Darby Creek in the Prairie Oaks Metropark. I'm skiing along looking for access to the creek and skied over not realizing until I was about 20 feet away that the creek was actually partially covered in ice. I watched a little bird hopping along on the ice on the other side for several minutes.

The next day I went back via a different route and took my gear and enjoyed a hot lunch along the creek.

Not a bad spot to spend lunch. And hot cheesy noodles hit the spot.

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