Monday, March 21, 2011

It's a good day

I'm weaving in ends and working on the duplicate stitching on Whistler. Working on my lunch breaks I might be done by the end of the week. At 60 plus it's not like I can wear it any how.

The bulbs are opening up like crazy. The usual early birds in the front and south side yard have been blooming since Friday, but the bulbs on the mound in the back started opening up in mass today. I noticed that the lilac leaves are unfurling as well as the gooseberry canes and roses. I planted three rows of garlic tonight so we'll see how that does. The witch hazel has been blooming for a while now, but it makes the whole backyard smell so good.

It was a good day at work. I'm getting more familiar/comfortable with the computer system and managed to input some rather large orders. I sold some sizable orders too and made one contractor so happy that 1. he told me how grateful he was and 2. he stood in line to tell my boss how happy he was. And he told me he'd be back tomorrow. Then as I was getting ready to wrap up for the day another customer came in with questions about deck design and construction. They were hoping for brochures but were happy enough with what I could show them that they said they would come back later in the week when I had more time so that I could put it together for them. A three level deck with a paver patio will be a really nice size project to sell.

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